Degenerative or age-related diseases

As we age, each of us is faced with various degenerative diseases that inevitably affect our quality of life. These conditions affect not only physical health, but also emotional well-being, social interactions and overall activity.

Degenerative diseases can cause pain and limit mobility. Simple activities, such as climbing stairs or walking with loved ones, become a challenge. Limited mobility, in turn, can lead to feelings of isolation and depression. Many begin to avoid socializing with friends and family, which exacerbates their condition.

Mosaic Health Clinic offers effective solutions for those who are facing age-related changes but are ready to take steps to maintain an active life. The method of kinesiotherapy, psycho-emotional correction and other approaches of our clinic significantly improve physical and emotional condition, returning the desire to live a full life.

Myositis (muscle inflammation)

Myodystrophies (muscle trophic disorders)

Tendinitis (inflammation of tendons)

Заболевания позвоночного столба

Ligamentitis (inflammation of ligaments)

Bursitis (inflammation of synovial joints)

Aponeurositis (inflammation of aponeuroses)

Fasciitis (inflammation of the fascia)

De Quervain's disease

Valgus deformity

Keller's disease

Koenig's disease

Schlatter's disease